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New York Times Posts Major Federal Climate Change Report Before Trump and Pruitt Can Cook the Books UpdatedOn Monday, the New York Times published a copy of the special science section of the draft 2. National Climate Assessment, which federal climate researchers had completed but feared Donald Trumps administration and new Environmental Protection Agency chief Scott Pruitt were plotting to smother in its crib. The draft report reflects federal scientists continued and unshaken belief human industrial activity is the primary driver of climate change, despite Trumps belief that there is cold weather at all debunks the whole thing and Pruitts belief human CO2 emissions might not be related. It takes note of thousands of scientific studies, and particularly focuses on the rapid rise in US average temperatures since 1. It also emphasizes research indicating the past few decades have been the warmest in 1,5. Evidence for a changing climate abounds, from the top of the atmosphere to the depths of the oceans, the reports executive summary informs readers. Thousands of studies conducted by tens of thousands of scientists around the world have documented changes in surface, atmospheric and oceanic temperatures melting glaciers disappearing snow cover shrinking sea ice rising sea level and an increase in atmospheric water vapor. The last few years have also seen record breaking, climate related weather extremes, as well as the warmest years on record for the globe. There are no alternative explanations to human industrial activity being the cause, it adds, and no natural cycles are found in the observational record that can explain the observed changes in climate. The report cites a documented rise in global annual average temperature from 1. Watch Man In The Chair Online Ibtimes SportsWatch Man In The Chair Online IbtimesCelsius 1. Fahrenheit. It also warns that even if humans simply stopped pumping greenhouse gases into the atmosphere today, temperatures would rise another. Celsius. 5 Fahrenheit this century, but current projections put humanity on a path towards over 2 degrees Celsius rise, which would be disastrous. Martin Lawrence Show Season 2 Episode 15. In another blow to Trumps conviction the weather somehow disproves climate change, the report noted scientists are increasingly able to link extreme weather events like heat waves, storms and droughts to rising temperatures. Though the Times initially reported the paper was leaked, indicating it was sent to them by someone involved in the process of its creation, numerous scientists noted a draft version had been circulating online since the EPA first released it for public comment last year. The 2. 01. 8 National Climate Assessment is legally mandated, meaning the Trump administration could face lawsuits if or more likely, when it suppresses it. The scientific section of the report posted by the Times requires sign off from 1. Watch Man In The Chair Online Ibtimes Wikipedia' title='Watch Man In The Chair Online Ibtimes Wikipedia' />Watch Man In The Chair Online Ibtimes WikiJokes aside, Twitter also remembers Jerry Lewis as a sexist, xenophobic Trump supporter The Hollywood icon, who died on 20 August, often stated that he thought. Jonathan is far from the first man Jana has been rumored to be courting. In 2014, it was reported that she had entered into a courtship with former NFL star Tim Tebow. EPA and others now headed by climate skeptics, and the White House. In early August, Nature received documents suggesting Pruitt was moving ahead with a shamelessly cynical plan to require future EPA research be vetted in a red team, blue team format, which would turn its review board into a war between actual scientists and industry flacks. Pruitt had already fired half the EPA board of scientific counselors, seemingly in preparation to hire red team panelists recommended by the fossil fuel industry backed Heartland Institute. The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, which coordinates federal climate reports, also had no staff in its science division left as of July 1. The publicization of the report is a clear middle finger to Trump, Pruitt and their plan to derail federal climate research and policy, and it ensures the public has an opportunity to review it before they get their big, grubby mitts all over it. But given Trumps penchant for launching into a self destructive rage every time an act of rebellion embarrasses him, it could also inspire the White House into an ill advised act of revenge. New York TimesUpdate While the original Times story insisted the report had not been made available to the public before it was published on their website, the paper has since corrected their account to show it was actually first spread online in December 2. EPA posted it to their website as part of a public commenting period. Whoops. Still, that someone took it to the Times reflected concern Trump, Pruitt or others in the administration would interfere with the final release draft of the report, or suppress it entirely. This article has been updated accordingly. FCC Chair Ajit Pai Cant Come Up With a Single Plausible Reason Not to Screw Up the Entire US Internet. FCC Chairman Ajit Pai, ISP endorsed frontman and villain of a theoretical future Revenge of the Nerds reboot, is trying to dupe everyone into believing abandoning open internet principles is inevitable because no opponents have any convincing arguments. At an FCC oversight hearing with the House Commerce Committee this week, Democratic Rep. Michael Doyle challenged Pai to present any sort of willingness to consider the evidence offered by net neutrality supporters, Ars Technica reported. What kind of comment would cause you to change your mind Doyle asked. Pai offered the mind blowing response that he would need to see economic analysis that shows credibly that theres infrastructure investment that has increased dramatically since the enactment of Barack Obama era neutrality rules, or any evidence showing a future economy or consumers experience would be worse without the regulations. Its an insidious response that gets more insidious the further its probed. Network neutrality is the simple principle that common carriers ISPs must treat all traffic on their networks on an equitable basis, whether its newspapers, porn, or a competitors video platform. It does not require anyone to build new infrastructurethough because traffic discrimination is not allowed, these rules of the game force ISPs to act like utilities and upgrade their networks to deal with higher traffic, or they will simply get slower and slower. Watch A Haunted House 2 Putlocker# on this page. The idea that because US ISPs have chosen to continue offering subpar services at some of the most expensive rates in the world disproves the principle and thus they should be allowed to set up a tiered system is essentially endorsing a race to the bottom. But its even worse than that. As Techdirt noted earlier this year, ISPs are notorious for taking billions of dollars in government contracts to expand service and then finding various contractual loopholes to pocket as much of the funds as possible. Pais answer simply rewards this behavior, and frankly incentivizes them to present their own subpar services as evidence of the need for further deregulation. A recent report by Free Press also found publicly traded ISPs do not seem to think open network principles are a threat to investment in new infrastructure, according to their own statements to investors. Free Press also disputes Pais account, saying their numbers show investment has increased. As for the implication no one has done convincing research on open network principles and their impact on the economy, there is an incredible wealth of academic and nonprofit research on net neutrality. Pai, who should be responsible for absorbing at least some of this and literally has a policy division at his agency, is citing his own supposed lack of insighta convenient position, since he can always choose to remain unconvinced.