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Skeleton Closet - Al Gore, The Dark Side. Gore's Scandals. Fundraising - - Nasty Cronies- - Buddhist $$- - Illegal calls. Drugs. Slumlord. Al Gore's Skeleton Closet.

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Watch Scrooge Online Forbes

Santa Claus, also known as Saint Nicholas, Saint Nick, Kris Kringle, Father Christmas, or simply Santa (Santy in Hiberno-English), is a legendary figure of Western. Ebenezer Scrooge (Character) on IMDb: Movies, TV, Celebs, and more. Gore's Scandals Fundraising -- Nasty Cronies-- Buddhist $$-- Illegal calls Drugs Slumlord: Al Gore's Skeleton Closet: Tobacco hypocrisy Green Hypocrisy.

Tobacco hypocrisy. Green Hypocrisy. Liar, Liar.

Tipper Tales. Quotes. Sources. Candidates In 2. George W. Bush, Jr.

Al Gore. Bill Bradley. John Mc. Cain. Pat Buchanan. Steve Forbes. Gary Bauer. Alan Keyes. J. Danforth Quayle. Elizabeth Dole. Dick Gephardt. Orrin Hatch. Other Features.

Severe Scandals. Political Palindromes. Candidates. Other Politicians.

Clinton & The Intern. Positive Ideas For Reform. Historical Scandals.

Links. What's New. Who's Doing This? Bill. Clinton. Bob.

Dole. H. Ross. Perot. Ralph. Nader. Pat. Buchanan. Steve. Forbes.

Richard. Lugar. Lamar. Alexander. Phil. Gramm. Robert. Dornan. Morry.

Taylor. Alan. Keyes. Arlen. Specter. Libertarians. Gen. Colin Powell. Pete Wilson. John Ashcroft. B- 1 Bob Dornan. Ralph Nader.

H. Ross Perot. Newt Gingrich. Jesse Jackson< <. Return To Skeleton Closet Main Page. Two years ago, the conventional wisdom was that Al Gore was a squeaky clean, if dull policy wonk. Clinton in a country weary of Bill's various scandals. Now, after 2 years of almost continuous scandals of his own - -. Prince Albert when his own party's Attorney General decided.

Here's the real question: is Al Gore corrupt compared to other politicians? Or is he just a run of the mill hack? One thing is, like several of this year's candidates (notably George W. Bush), Gore has grown up in that protected, distorted world of wealth and privilege. That's not a "scandal", really, but it makes it hard to. A Nasty Bunch of Characters - - - -- Illegal fundraising in a Buddhist temple (and weaseling about it)- - - -- Illegal fundraising phone calls from his office- - Drug use- - Hypocrisy on tobacco- - Environmental Trendiness (and Hypocrisy)- - Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire (Creating the Internet, etc.)- - Tipper, the chipper rock 'n roll wife- - Quotes- - Sources. He goes 'I'm a really big fan.' And I was like 'Yeah, right.

Name a song, Al.' The answer came limply back: 'I can't name a song, I'm just a really big fan.'" - Courtney Love of the rock band "Hole". Throughout most of my life, I raised tobacco. I want you to know that with my own hands, all of my life, I put it in the plant beds and transferred it. I've hoed it. I've chopped it.

I've shredded it, spiked it, put it in the barn and stripped it and sold it." - - Al Gore, 1. Sometimes, you never fully face up to things that you ought to face up to." - - Al Gore, discussing tobacco. Quote Sources. At the Democratic national convention in 1. Gore gaving a moving speech about his only sister's painful death from lung cancer. And since then. he has pushed the administration's aggressive anti- smoking campaign.

What Gore didn't mention is that he grew up on a tobacco farm, worked on it, and continued to accept checks from that farm for years after his sister died. In 1. 98. 8, while running for president, he defended tobacco farmers while campaigning in Southern tobacco states (and made the quote up above: 'I've raised tobacco .. I've shredded it, spiked it.. He accepted contributions from tobacco companies as late as 1.

Gore claimed that "emotional numbness" led him to defend and profit from the tobacco industry. Sometimes, you never fully face up to things that you ought to face up to.". Gore himself smoked during college. Peer pressure played a factor," he said, "stress in college.". We should have guessed that the guy who said "Tobacco addiction .. Tobacco Sources. Even more than Bill Clinton, Al Gore has been a money raising machine (though nothing quite like George W. Bush). In one memo, Gore bragged "I did three events this week which were projected to raise.

Tipper and I were supposed to do $1. Washington Post reporter Bob Woodward estimates that Gore and his network raised fully. Democratic National Committee's $1. In the process, Gore has been kissing up to a lot of characters. Frankly, whether Gore made phone calls from his office is piddly business.

But spending time with accused or convicted criminals if they have money to give is a much more serious concern. Here are some of Al's business associates. Jose Cabrera. Howard Glicken, who admitted soliciting and laundering foreign campaign contributions.

Franklin Haney, indicted for illegal campaign contributions. Jose "Gordito" Cabrera is serving 1. January 1. 99. 6. Cali cartel cocaine and (maybe worse from Gore's point of view) boxes of smuggled Cuban cigars. Earlier, he pled guilty to conspiracy to bribe a witness in a drug investigation (in 1. He served 3 and a half years in prison on the first charge, just a year on the second.

In 1. 99. 5, in between these convictions and guilty pleas, Cabrera was getting his picture taken with Al Gore at a Florida campaign event. Hillary Clinton in front of the White House Christmas tree. White House visitors routinely get a background check. When the Miami Herald broke the story of Cabrera's convictions, the Democratic National Committee.

Cabrera's $2. 0,0. Justice Department refused to release the photos of Gordito with Gore and Hillary - -. Republicans. Howard Glicken, a long- time fundraiser for Al Gore, is awaiting sentencing on his negotiated plea bargain for illegal fund raising.

He raised $2 million for Clinton- Gore and the DNC in 1. Jaguars with the vanity plates "Gore. Gore. 2.". Glicken owns a company that brokers deals between U. S. and Latin American companies, and is not shy to use his political connections to help his work.

In 1. 99. 6, Glicken showed up at a Florida fundraiser, muscled 4 South American clients into it and introduced them to President Clinton and Mack Mc. Larty. Clinton's top adviser on Latin America.

Party officials tried to keep them out. Wall Street Journal, Glicken "raised a stink", saying "I raised all this money; I can bring in anybody I want.". Glicken was given a coveted seat on a Commerce Department trade mission to South America in 1. He has been hosted by the U. S. ambassadors in Argentina and Chile, and received help from the Argentine Embassy even after he pled guilty to.

Glicken had some rough patches in his pre- Gore career. He headed the precious- metals trading division of Capital Bank in Miami. Harry Falk. The commission was for helping arrange Capital Bank financing of the sale of $9. Piaget watches. Glicken then founded his own precious- metals trading company in Miami with Falk. Falk and the 6- man company itself were indicted in 1. Glicken was not charged, but his company agreed to pay $3.

Glicken testified against Falk in 1. This Tennessee real estate developer and longtime Gore fundraiser was trying to get the FCC to move its headquarters to. The Portals." He was also a guest on Air Force One during 1. Haney was a generous donor.

He was indicted in November 1. Clinton- Gore. campaign between 1. More strikingly, he paid a $1 million fee to Peter Knight right before he became the Clinton- Gore campaign manager. Knight also ran Gore's House and Senate offices for years and helped finance his campaigns; Time calls him "the hub of Gore's political circle.". Haney claims that the million bucks was a fee for "advice" on attracting the FCC to the Portals; that must have been some damn good advice.

More likely, it was a contingency fee for delivering the FCC deal, using his Gore connections. Fundraising Cronies Sources. There were mountains of ink spilled about this episode, but the short story is this. Gore appeared at a Buddhist temple at what was obviously a fundraiser, though technically it was called something else for legal reasons. The criminal part is that the temple gave monks money to reimburse them for donations to Gore and the Democrats. That is illegal of course for the temple, but not the politician unless you can prove that they knew about the reimbursement.

No such evidence has popped up, though some of the players from the Clinton/Gore illegal foreign donations scandal are involved.

Hogue Predictions for the New Year 2. Five Future- Altering Events the “Fake” Mainstream News isn’t telling you about and Forecasts anticipating Hillary Clinton’s upset Loss to Trump Dated and Documented over a year before it happened. Click on the cover and see how you can receive the expanded edition of this forthcoming book. Watch Online Watch Hudson Hawk Full Movie Online Film on this page.

LIKE FACEBOOK PAGE*Join Free Newsletter. DATELINE: 0. 6 January 2. An Overview of what John Hogue forecast on Coast to Coast AM 1 January 2. I spent the last hour remaining of the first day of the new year with George Noory where I laid down some basic forecasts and themes about the major milestones for 2.

Here’s an overview about my hour posted by the Coast folks. If you want to read their full overview of all the guests that night, click on George Noory: click on the cover and read more about this forthcoming book and how you can get a personal notice when it’s out.“Prophecy scholar John Hogue joined the show in the second hour and spoke about an economic boom in 2. However, the interest rates will rise and create stress with other currencies, he noted. An eclipse in August, he cited, will have a “catalytic effect” on Trump. There’ll be some significant natural disasters in the latter half of the year, and Trump may come round to accepting that climate change is real, he continued. If Trump survives the first two years, Hogue remarked, he’ll likely be re- elected, as he’s an echo karmically of Ronald Reagan.”Here’s a full list of milestones, I only had time to talk about half of these on the show: ***(1) US Economic Boom in 2. Boom ends in autumn with signs of an inflationary “Greater” Depression approaching in 2.

Significant natural, political and economic disasters overtaking the United States after the Grand Eclipse of 2. August give the American people the opportunity to nationally redefine themselves and their dreams. The Great American Eclipse of 2. He will be changed.(4) The “second” Cold War that Obama and the neocon, neo- liberals started in 2. Trump ends in 2. 01.

US aid Russians defeating ISIS by summer of 2. After that a new, full- scale war between Turkey and the Kurds is possible.(6) America, by not leading in Climate Change reduction, ends the American Century once and for all by 2. As early as the end of 2. Trump will about face on climate change. The economic crisis, personal losses from climate- change related disasters will make him a convert. If this change of mind happens in time, Trump has a chance to make the US a leading power again. Otherwise, if delayed into 2.

Chinese Century will be in full swing and the US will be a follower not a leader in future history’s key events from now on, its days of empire fading slowly in the next decade.***This is only a taste of the thousands of forecasts coming in two books planned for release early in the new year. Get on the list to receive the expanded “donors only” edition of Predictions 2. Years of Crisis and Breakthrough. Due date for release, later in February.

Check out more information about the upcoming President Trump Predictions. I hope to have this out by late January, although it might be a little later.

While establishing its final outline the book is expanding its scope before my eyes. It will be well worth the wait. Watch The Devil Wears Prada Online Fandango. If I can retrace what possessed me at the end of the hour to deliver an impassioned message on Coast, here’s a review of the essence for the record, in print: Click on the cover of this bestselling book and get it in print and e. Book editions. There’s so much to cover about our new president. He is going to be a catalyst for chaos, which in itself is neither good nor evil. Watch I Give It A Year Download Full.

Chaos is a neutral womb of change where new structures, political points of view and social regeneration arise. As the Hopi Prophets predicted, the Great Purification is at hand. If you can embrace the new, think outside of your limited mental boxed- in mindsets, you can be a part in making that new future a positive reality. Hold onto your old labels, like Progressive or Conservative, for instance—hold on to an outmoded identity in fear of change—and you will not create that new golden future but serve Fear and planetary destruction. The Hopi say that those who fear change and hold onto it at all cost will drop dead from their own fears. Don’t let fear consume you.

Embrace this new year and the new president. He’s a catalytic agent of changes that even he’s not aware of at this time. Be a positive part of this process.

Leave comfort aside. Leave the stagnation of your gridlocked politics aside. Love your neighbors “and” your enemies. Don’t be afraid of President Trump; be challenged to be more politically literate and engaged as an American citizen. Consider this, there’s a tremendous opportunity provided by some of Trump’s choices of climate change denying cabinet candidates for the EPA and Energy departments that AT LAST will force the nation to have a real debate about global warming.

It will be time for Science to rise up and bring its solid evidence to trial in Washington before the American people. In short, putting climate change deniers in power will stir a whirlwind blowing them down with climate change FACTS. Trump’s position on Climate Change is uniquely unpredictable. He’s pitting deniers in his cabinet with Climate Change converts, like what I predict is his masterstroke of choice of Rex Tillerson as Secretary of State. This former CEO of Exxon ran the fifth largest company in the world doing oil and gas deals like a foreign minister, but more businesslike. That’s what is needed now.

Not political ideologues like Hillary Clinton or John Kerry. Enough with the bobtailed bureaucrats already! Let’s get down to brass tacks and bottom line business in Washington. Tillerson ran a company of fossil fuel providers whose scientists were first to acknowledge Climate Change was human induced as far back as 1. And just remember, Trump picked this climate change supporter to be his Secretary of State, arguably the most powerful cabinet position.

Trump’s most intimate councilor, his daughter, Ivanka, also understands Climate Change is made by human pollution. Trump is doing something with his cabinet choices that may prove surprisingly brilliant: picking a businesslike cabinet of decisive, hard and nails negotiators with contrasting, even polarizing worldviews. It’s a Celebrity Apprentice boardroom with real consequence. Out of such an organized chaos will thrive and often find Trump rendering balanced, moderate decisions refereeing his cabinet like a reality show. He needs that atmosphere to conjure his mediumistic skills.

Call it what you like, react to what I just wrote, as you will, we can agree on one thing: This is real change. The last eight years was mostly a lot of “jive” about change. It didn’t happen, not the way Obama sold it and he turned out to not be a strong enough leader to push most of his changes through. Don’t blame it on the opposition if you didn’t come to politically play to win. Eight years ago, you would have thought he was some political messiah coming out of the clouds—indeed many of you did, I still have your emails to prove it.

The “messiah” coming in eight years ago is leaving like the White House “mouse” in a few weeks before the big blond cat moves in. And Elvis? The Clinton Foundation is not going to enter the building. If you don’t like what happened in the election, don’t waste time blaming it on others. Look in the mirror. Change “that” person. You are empowered to do so by reviewing what works in your life politically and what has not worked.

Throw what you know up in the air and allow new insights to settle into a fresh awareness. Recreate. I will try to help you in this process throughout this new year.

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