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Economy for Descriptive Exams #4. A- Agriculture Extension, Research & GM Crops (Part 2/3)Prologue.

Hybrid / GM Crops: Introduction. Benefits. Criticism and Apprehensions. NITI/Survey stand.

Conclusion. Agriculture Research: Constrains & Reforms. Agriculture Extension: Meaning & Types. Channels. NITI/Survey suggestions. Precision farming. Agriculture Education.

Prologue. Continuing on with the combined summary of Survey. NITI3. YR and SDG2. Watch Arthur Newman Online Hollywoodreporter. In the first part, we saw Economy - > agriculture - > Inputs (water, seed, fertilizer, credit etc.)– Now in this second part, we’ll see Agriculture - > R& DHybrid / GM Crops: Introduction. Better to introduce answer with simple definition: __ crops are the plants developed by ____ to take advantage of certain traits and get rid of less advantageous traits.

Now Fill in the blanks: Hybrid crops - > by cross- breeding / cross- pollination with other plants. Genetically modified (GM) crops - > by modifying / mixing of the genetic material (DNA) of plants with natural organisms. Hybrid / GM Crops: Benefits.

Enhanced nutritional value of food e. Vitamin ‘A’ enriched rice, higher baking quality of wheat, protein quality in pulses, oil quality in oilseeds and preserving quality in fruits and vegetables.

Shorter maturity duration to allow farmers to grow multiple rounds of crops in a year. Uniform maturity period to make harvesting process more efficient, by ensuring economies of scale.

Better agronomic characteristics: Tallness and profuse branching in fodder crops. Dwarfness in cereals, so that less nutrients are consumed by branches, leaves and stems. Longer shelf life, moisture retention, fungal resistance etc. Plant’s mineral usage efficiency improved to prevent early exhaustion of fertility of soil. Create tailor- made plants for industries to produce starches, fuels and pharmaceutical chemicals. Higher resistance against abiotic factors like drought, salinity, water logging, heat, cold and frost.

GMO specific benefits)Higher resistance against biotic factors like diseases, pests and insects, thereby reducing chemical pesticides requirement. Example, Bacillus thuringiensis bacteria’s Bt toxin gene is inserted into plants to provide resistance to insects without the need for insecticides. Bt cotton, Bt corn, rice, tomato, potato and soyabean etc.[रोग तथा नाशीजीव रोधी]It’s difficult to create hybrids from self- pollinating flowers like Mustard, but GM technology makes it possible. I’ve copied these factors from NCERTs only.

No point in further Internet Research and PHD- giri over it. This much content sufficient for descriptive exams. Criticism and Apprehensions. Biosafety: Genetic modification of organisms can have unpredictable results when introduced into the ecosystem.

Such food crops may be unsafe for human and animal consumption. They may harm the soil bacteria, bees and other important organisms, thereby affecting entire food web and biodiversity. GM crop may eliminate the wild/indigenous species by cross- pollination.

Biopiracy. MNCs are using genetic materials which have been long identified by farmers and indigenous people, without paying them any compensation or share in royalty. So, just like software piracy, movie piracy, most of the GM technology is ‘biopiracy’. Bioprofiteering. MNCs introduce terminator gene in their GM seeds. This makes the resultant plant sterile, thereby requiring farmers to repurchase seeds for every cropping season. And since GM crops will make wild / indigenous varieties extinct by cross- pollination, so farmer will be at the mercy of these MNCs for the future seeds. You may google ’crop specific’ criticism that.

BT- cotton could have x problem. BT- brinjal could have y problem. GM- mustard could have z problem. Watch my Lecture. But ultimately most of them will boil down to above three category generic points only. So as long as you can manage with the generics, don’t waste time in memorizing specifics for mains.

GM Crops: NITI/Survey stand(Origin) In India, the introduction of High Yielding Variety (HYV) and Genetically Modifed (GM) Seeds has been stuck in controversies over decades. Despite their numerous benefits, Indian farmers allowed GM seeds in only one crop i. Cotton. [HYV=उच्च उपज देने वाली किस्म ; GMO= आनुवंशिक आधार पर आशोधित किस्मे]Economic Survey 2. Allow GM seeds which don’t have terminator Gene or high cost. Allow GM seeds have following properties: 1) Disease and pest resistant 2) Resistant to variation in moisture and soil 3) Longer shelf life 4) Shorter crop duration 5) Nonfood / Tree format crops. To prevent MNC monopoly on GM seeds, we’ve to encourage domestic institutions & companies to pursue GM research.

NITI3. YR)Besides, we’ve a robust regulatory framework with GEAC (Genetic Engineering Approval Committee) to oversee safety GM technology. So, mischief is unlikely. GM Crops Adoption: Conclusionlet’s prepare both type of conclusions: ~Pro- GM conclusion: ~Self- sufficiency agriculture is tantamount for India because of 1) SDG ~goal~ of ZERO HUNGER 2) Economic ~goal~ of low food inflation. Genetic engineering is useful in increasing crop yields, reducing post- harvest losses and making crops more tolerant of biotic and abiotic stresses. Therefore, given the lack of evidence on negative consequences from GM Crops, vs. GM technology in India. Observe the choice of words- no absolute fanaticism that GM MUST BE INTRODUCED.)~Anti- GM conclusion: ~India is a signatory to Cartagena protocol to protect biodiversity.

SDG Goal (#2. 5) also requires all nations to protect the genetic diversity of plants and animals. Given the concerned raised by experts about the yield claims and biosafety of GM technology, such crops should not be introduced without due diligence. Observe the choice of words- no absolute secularism that GM MUST NOT BE INTRODUCED.)Agriculture Research: Constrains & Reforms. Indian Council of Agriculture Research (ICAR) is the apex body for Agri- research in India.

But ICAR scientists’ salary structures and promotion rules are time- bound and seniority based. Therefore, outstanding Indian scientists opt for foreign assignments or MNC jobs where their talent is more appreciated (atleast in financial terms). We’ve to create proper incentive structure to prevent such brain drain. NITI3. YR says ICAR has to be augmented on the pattern of IITs and Indian Institutes of Sciences (IIS).