Watch Windbag The Sailor Online Mic

Wobble or not, Theresa is the only show in town. Nine days to go and, finally, the Tories announce they intend to concentrate on Brexit for the rest of the campaign. Hallelujah To be honest, after taking a short break for an election detox, I had hoped it would be all over bar the shouting by now. Sadly not. Theres still more than a week of this patronising nonsense until we actually get the chance to cast our votes. On the day Mother Theresa decided she would go to the country, I warned that a campaign lasting the best part of two months had the potential to go pear shaped. Events, dear lady, events, as Harold Macmillan almost said. No one could have predicted the awful atrocity in Manchester. Wobble or not, Theresa is the only show in town even if I dont believe she will deliver the tungstentipped Brexit I want, writes RICHARD LITTLEJOHN. Some people are fans of the Cincinnati Bengals. But many, many more people are NOT fans of the Cincinnati Bengals. This 2017 Deadspin NFL team preview is for those in. Issuu is a digital publishing platform that makes it simple to publish magazines, catalogs, newspapers, books, and more online. Easily share your publications and get. The Champions Basketball League, an independent pro league that has repeatedly failed to start its inaugural season after taking hundreds of thousands of dollars of. We are the original player clan. We are the greates and we rule. That is bcuase we rule. Jim/JCBennet.jpg' alt='Watch Windbag The Sailor Online Mic' title='Watch Windbag The Sailor Online Mic' />But even before the bomber struck to such evil and devastating effect, things were starting to unravel. Boredom and irritation set in long ago, as the politicking expanded to fill the time available in the 2. Theresa May pictured at the Sky Channel 4 election special is the only show in town, writes RICHARD LITTLEJOHN even if he does not believe she will deliver the kind of tungsten tipped Brexit he wants. Watch Windbag The Sailor Online Mic' title='Watch Windbag The Sailor Online Mic' />Watch Windbag The Sailor Online MicAn election supposedly about Britain leaving the EU has inevitably become about anything but. The nadir was reached the day after my last column, when the Green Party staged a rally against Period Poverty, attracting widespread coverage on the rolling news channels and in the anti Tory Press. At first, I thought period poverty might be something to do with Poldark. Turns out it was a protest against VAT on sanitary products. A noble enough cause, but what the hell has the price of tampons got to do with BrexitQuite a lot, apparently. VAT is imposed on sanitary products by an EU edict. So you might have thought the Greens would be all in favour of Britain breaking free of the Brussels yoke. Nothing could be further from the truth. They want to derail Brexit and keep us in the EU tampon tax and all, presumably. Go figure, as our American cousins say. This was just one daft diversion from the central purpose of calling the election. Some of the others, such as the furore over the so called dementia tax which is nothing of the sort have proven to be more serious. If Mother Theresa is in trouble in the latest polls, she has only herself to blame. This should have been a short, sharp election focused on a single, defining issue. The Conservative Party isnt exactly brimming with talent, but anyone who seriously thinks Labour is a credible government in waiting should be sectioned, Little John goes on. MIND HOW YOU GO Todays edition of Mind How You Go combines two of my favourite topics hate crimes and police helicopters. In the wake of the Manchester bombing, it was a dead cert that the Old Bill would report a serious spike in hate crimes again Muslims. Thats what you get when you advertise for complaints. Hate crime is, of course, in the eye of the beholder, any beholder. But no one expected that one such victim of hate would be the late Osama Bin Laden. Police in Cambridge scrambled a helicopter following a report of a racist incident at a garden party. In the wake of the Manchester bombing, it was a dead cert that the Old Bill would report a serious spike in hate crimes again Muslims, writes Richard Littlejohn. A female officer who attended the scene pressed a panic button when she heard revellers performing a karaoke version of a song making fun of the former Al Qaeda leader. Soon, the place was swarming with ten coppers as the whirlybird hovered overhead. Watch The Bang Bang Club Online Hulu. A mobile phone and the karaoke machine were seized. A police spokesman said they were investigating an incident of incitement to racial hatred. Since when did taking the proverbial out of a mass murderer like Bin Laden become a criminal offenceIt should have been held on the same day as the local elections in early May and would have resulted in a decisive victory for the Tories. By now, she would be the unassailable mistress of all she surveyed and Britains future independence would be assured. Instead, it has dragged on, and on, and on, with every new day bringing another pointless policy initiative, giving her opponents a new line of attack. Yesterday, for instance, the deeply unimpressive Home Secretary Amber Rudd was doing the rounds on radio and TV. The presenters all wanted to question her about the failure of so called control orders to stop known terrorist suspects from operating with impunity. Instead, they were forced to ask her first about a new initiative on domestic violence obviously at the insistence of her media handlers. Admittedly, domestic violence, like VAT on tampons, is a legitimate subject for debate. But neither is what this election is supposed to be about, for heavens sake. Hubris took over, bolstered by initial predictions of a three figure majority. Theresa was running round Wembley with the cup before a ball had been kicked. Frankly, Ive never believed the polls and always thought the Tories would be happy with any kind of majority approaching 5. Little John says that if Mrs May only has herself to blame if she is in trouble in the latest polls, adding This should have been a short, sharp election focused on a single, defining issueANDY BURNHAM PANDERS AGAIN Manchester mayor Andy Burnham is spoken of as a moderate successor to Corbyn. He has been widely praised for his response to last weeks attack. Yet Burnham was a Home Office minister when Labour was encouraging mass immigration and creating ghettos in our cities. He opposed anti radicalisation measures in a cynical attempt to appeal to the Muslim vote. After last weeks bombing, he said the perpetrator wasnt a Muslim and disgracefully tried to draw some kind of moral equivalence between organised and deeply embedded Islamist terrorism and the murder of MP Jo Cox by a lone, Right wing nutter. If a two bob opportunist like Burnham is Labours future, were all in more trouble than we thought. Thats still achievable, but time is at a premium. Its no secret that Im not a paid up member of the Theresa May fan club, but I do intend to vote for her next week. Shes the only show in town, even if I have little confidence in her delivering the kind of tungsten tipped Brexit I want. Most people I know feel much the same. Shes the Who Else Is There candidate. The Conservative Party isnt exactly brimming with talent, but anyone who seriously thinks Labour is a credible government in waiting should be sectioned.